Seeing as it's already June, I really should shed those winter clothes, shouldn't I? But to do that, I need to finish telling the Winter story, so let's get this show on the road.
Avatar Story – Winter's End Part 1: Gift Horse
This was supposed to go up on the day of the Epiphany (January 6)Artist's note
January 6 is a gift-giving day in many Spanish-speaking countries, which is why the “Christmas was ages ago” was supposed to be funny, originally. Of course, the fact that I kept this as the place to restart worries me a little.This didn't exactly come out as I planned it. Originally, there was going to be three "throwaway" gags and fifteen panels. I'm hoping to do the other 7 next week, as part 2.
Incidentally, the full, uncropped picture for each panel is huge. Here is Panel 2, for example:
I like to think of the making of the full picture as doing the blocking and the cropping as fixing the camera angle. Somehow, I didn't think it would work so well if you saw who he was going to bump into before he actually bumped into her.
The disclaimer that will be published with "part 2" also applies to this post.
Really like the bold shading of the trees. Very nice!